Wynik zawodów drużynowych players (missing translation)

Puntos Evento en equipo | Wynik zawodów drużynowych

teameventplayerintro (missing translation) 20

teameventexpectedptsperplayer (missing translation): 50.000 points (missing translation)

absoluteexpectedmin (missing translation): 3.000 points (missing translation).

Player Total average (missing translation) recent (missing translation) older (missing translation)
1 SLoW 81.181 pts (missing translation) 27.060 pts (missing translation) 27580 26637 26964
2 core 64.808 pts (missing translation) 21.603 pts (missing translation) 22286 21032 21490
3 ivanito trol 43.917 pts (missing translation) 14.639 pts (missing translation) 14749 14780 14388
4 aaAAAaa 43.091 pts (missing translation) 14.364 pts (missing translation) 13980 16007 13104
5 Tools 42.005 pts (missing translation) 14.002 pts (missing translation) 14823 14198 12984
6 Comantrix 41.022 pts (missing translation) 13.674 pts (missing translation) 15959 13659 11404
7 kitamieo 38.345 pts (missing translation) 12.782 pts (missing translation) 13890 12072 12383
8 JDeJon 37.312 pts (missing translation) 12.437 pts (missing translation) 13588 12413 11311
9 Guille 36.784 pts (missing translation) 12.261 pts (missing translation) 13059 12954 10771
10 CRASH 33.836 pts (missing translation) 11.279 pts (missing translation) 12129 11279 10428
11 Codox 32.785 pts (missing translation) 10.928 pts (missing translation) 10944 12009 9832
12 yakuza 10.295 pts (missing translation) 10.295 pts (missing translation) 10295
13 PINK PANTHER 30.793 pts (missing translation) 10.264 pts (missing translation) 10465 11292 9036
14 james 30.511 pts (missing translation) 10.170 pts (missing translation) 10047 10319 10145
15 doraemon 7.837 pts (missing translation) 7.837 pts (missing translation) 7837
16 Герои85259 23.475 pts (missing translation) 7.825 pts (missing translation) 8008 8246 7221
17 Guarra 7.782 pts (missing translation) 7.782 pts (missing translation) 7782
18 jau 15.279 pts (missing translation) 7.640 pts (missing translation) 7800 7479
19 DonEpi 15.002 pts (missing translation) 7.501 pts (missing translation) 7346 7656
20 viktorlos 6.945 pts (missing translation) 6.945 pts (missing translation) 6945
21 Mikisami_80 18.923 pts (missing translation) 6.308 pts (missing translation) 9202 5458 4263
22 Heroe59185 5.276 pts (missing translation) 5.276 pts (missing translation) 5276
23 ruben 15.423 pts (missing translation) 5.141 pts (missing translation) 4899 5524 5000
24 Turbo35282 8.199 pts (missing translation) 4.100 pts (missing translation) 4009 4190
25 sbkmusic02 11.800 pts (missing translation) 3.933 pts (missing translation) 4157 3972 3671
26 Pablo7 6.135 pts (missing translation) 3.068 pts (missing translation) 1000 5135
27 ElPajad69 7.852 pts (missing translation) 2.617 pts (missing translation) 2656 2726 2470
28 Hola 2.455 pts (missing translation) 2.455 pts (missing translation) 2455
29 angycamara 7.066 pts (missing translation) 2.355 pts (missing translation) 2210 2409 2447
30 JoanDeuZ 6.770 pts (missing translation) 2.257 pts (missing translation) 2285 2122 2363
31 Astro70948 3.848 pts (missing translation) 1.924 pts (missing translation) 2363 1485
32 Marc 4.549 pts (missing translation) 1.516 pts (missing translation) 1449 1550 1550
33 Водитель0876 4.067 pts (missing translation) 1.356 pts (missing translation) 1358 1358 1351
34 Jefe33032 3.041 pts (missing translation) 1.014 pts (missing translation) 1343 392 1306
Dies ist eine nichtkommerzielle Seite eines Teams in Hill Climb Racing 2 des Herstellers Fingersoft, verfügbar auf Android im Google Play Store und auf iOS im Apple App Store.
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